About Us

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Woodward Nhill Financial Planning

Our clients care about financial security now and beyond their working life, but they also want to maintain a certain quality of life. Their number one concern is that we understand them, are trustworthy, and can provide advice that will improve and protect their financial situation.

We help them do that by providing a personalised service, becoming their trusted close advisers, understanding the depth and breadth of their lives, helping them articulate their goals and concerns, working with them to develop strategies, and helping them manage their financial affairs. We explain the complexities of finances in language they can understand, being transparent about all aspects, empowering them to make good decisions.

The value our clients receive is a sound, effective financial strategy based on a comprehensive understanding of their current situation, their history and their aspirations. We are able to advise on all aspects of their finances, which ensures their personal strategy is fully integrated and geared to meet their ultimate needs. We are always available to them for big enquiries or small – we’re just a phone call away, and our clients feel comfortable calling. They have the full support of our experienced team. With offices in both Ballarat and the city, our clients enjoy the flexibility of being able to meet us wherever they choose.

We work on a fee-for-service basis, so we are not influenced by commissions or any other incentive payments. It’s simple – we benefit when we do the best we can for our clients, and our loyal client base is testament to the success of our approach.

We look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.