Client Services
Hi, my name is Sandra Mullane. You might never see me because my role is to work quietly (some would say not so quietly) in the background and get the real work done! As part of my role as Client Services I provide administration support for our team and liaise between Planners, Paraplanners, Clients and external departments to use existing Financial Software for lodgment of Insurances, Investments and Superannuation.
I am fortunate to work with Robyn and share my jobs and my woes (she is a great listener), for the last 12 years. Our whole team work very well together.
My favourite family tradition is Christmas lunch. Immediate family get together for the traditional roast turkey – at last year’s count it was 63 people (and we are still growing – having had 2 of our 3 boys married this year!). How very lucky we are.
Our whole family – my husband Paul and our three boys, Troy, Bryce & Kayle – are involved with and love our local Football Club.